MP4 + Alpha Converter V1.0.7 将带有 alpha 通道的视频转换为 MP4/h264,保持背景透明,只需单击一下即可。
只需单击一下即可转换为 MP4/h264 包含 Alpha 通道的项目,保持背景透明。适用于视频和图像序列。
一键将 GB 变成 Mega 字节。非常适合节省存储空间或云空间。
适用于 MP4 不是问题的需求。作为已存档的作业或具有密集云、流量或存储密集型作业的生产作业。
- AE 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014,Win/Mac,中文版/英文版AE
MP4 + Alpha Converter V1.0.7 Convert videos with alpha channel to MP4/h264, keeping background transparent, in one click.
Convert to MP4/h264 projects with alpha channel, keeping background transparent, in one click. Works well with videos and image sequences.
Turn GBs into Mega Bytes in one click. Perfect for saving storage or cloud space.
For needs where MP4 is not a problem. As archived jobs or production jobs with intensive cloud, traffic or storage intensive jobs.