AvizStudioTools A2Dimage v1.21是一个脚本化的 3ds Max 插件,用于将带 Alpha 通道的简单 2D 图像添加到 3ds Max 场景。脚本从文件名的末尾读取图像的高度,并在渲染时根据图像的 alpha 通道自动生成阴影。使用此脚本,您可以使用一次渲染渲染快速预览和具有正确阴影的最终图像,而无需稍后合成所有单个元素。
A2Dimage is a scripted 3ds Max plug-in for adding simple 2D images with alpha channel to your 3ds Max scene. Script reads the height of the image from the end of the file name and on render generates automatically shadows based on alpha channel of the image. With this script you can render fast previews and final images with correct shadows with one render without compositing all individual elements later.