CityTraffic 是 3ds Max 的插件,有助于在道路和越野上创建汽车交通流,特殊的道路编辑器和自动汽车设置大大加快了交通运动模拟场景的准备速度,每辆车的配置多种多样,无论是悬架支架的调整还是驾驶风格,都能够创建逼真的模拟,动力学计算使复杂表面的运动更加真实,人工智能系统帮助汽车独立运行。
CityTraffic is a plug-in for 3ds Max which helps to create car traffic flow on the roads and off-roads,Special road editor and automatic cars setup substantially accelerates preparation of scenes for the simulation of traffic movement,Huge variety of configurations for each car, whether it is adjustment of a suspension bracket or style of driving, give the ability to create realistic simulation,Dynamics calculation makes movements on complicated surfaces more realistic, and the artificial intelligent system helps cars to operate independently.